Top 7 Daily Vitamin Supplements everyone should be eating

Vitamin D and Omega-3 fatty acids

Vitamin D 5000 by Gundry MD on World Health Supplements
Vitamin D 5000†

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Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for multiple aspects of your health — including immunity, digestion, mineral absorption, mobility, and more; yet, most Americans are deficient in this crucial vitamin. Gundry MD Vitamin D 5000 gives you a full 5,000 IU of fast-absorbing Vitamin D3, so you can support a healthy gut lining and have powerful immune support.

World Health Supplements believes in Gundry MD Vitamin D 5000 which promotes calcium absorption for healthy bone growth, enhances immune functions and feeling of well-being.

That’s why Gundry MD® Vitamin D 5000 was formulated. It gives you a full 5,000 IU of fast-absorbing Vitamin D, so you can help provide your body with:

  • A supported gut lining for enhanced digestion*
  • Superior mineral absorption for strong bones*
  • Powerful immune support*

*Every individual is unique, so results can/may personally vary.

Suggested use is to take 1 softgel daily, with a meal.

Advanced Plant Omegas by Gundry MD on World Health Supplements Advanced Plant Omegas†
 WHS product reviews Advanced Plant Omegas Gundry MD best omegas linkWHS product reviews linkWHS WorldHealthSupplements product reviews Advanced Plant Omegas Gundry MD omega linkWHS product reviews Advanced Plant Omegas best Vitamin link WHS product reviews Advanced Plant Omegas Gundry MD link product reviews

Advanced Plant Omegas is and can be recommended to be taken (with or) in lieu of fish oil Omega-3 fatty acids which are absolutely essential to help maintain your heart, brain, joints, vision, and overall health. The only problem being? Your body can’t create all the Omega-3s it needs on its own — meaning you need to ingest them through diet.

Advanced Plant Omegas provides a clean, effective, and easy source of Omega-3 fatty acids… along with powerful Omega-6s, -7s, and -9s too. It is a complete plant-based source of Omega-3 fatty acids that includes DHA, EPA and DPA fatty acids which were previously only available from fish oil sources. And not only that — this formula contains powerful Omega-7 fatty acids as well as providing 100% of one’s daily value for Vitamin D3.

Suggested use is to simply take 2 easy-to-swallow softgel capsules each day to help:

  • Promote strong cardiovascular health*†
  • Support your brain, eyes, and joints*†
  • Experience enhanced feelings of overall health and well-being*†
  • Enjoy a powerful, plant-based alternative to fish or krill oil (which can contain mercury and other harmful substances)
  • Vegan, non-GMO, no added sugar, caffeine-free, and gluten-free

*Every individual is unique, so results can/may personally vary.

Suggested use is to take 2 softgels daily, preferably before a meal.

Vitamin B

Vitamin B vitamins are not fat-soluble vitamins; they are water-soluble vitamins which means that our body can’t store B vitamins for long period of time. Consequently, we need to seek them out and supply us them in our diet.

Most people are familiar with some of the B Vitamins like thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, and biotin. The various B Vitamins can be identified as follows:

  • Vitamin B1 (Thiamine)
  • Vitamin B2 (Riboflavin)
  • Vitamin B3 (Niacin, Nicotinic acid)
  • Vitamin B5 (Pantothenic acid)
  • Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)
  • Vitamin B7 (Biotin)
  • Vitamin B9 (Folic acid)
  • Vitamin B12 (Hydroxocobalamin)

A daily supply of Vitamin B are good for the body and health and are designed within Grundy MD products to be provided in the four stirrable supplements indicated below.

Power Blues by Gundry MD on World Health Supplements
Power Blues†

WHS product reviews Power Blues Gundry MD stirrable Vitamin B supplements linkWHS product reviews Vitamin B Power Blues stirrable supplements linkWHS product reviews Power Blues Gundry MD linkWHS product reviews Power Blues linkWHS product reviews Vitamin B Power Blues Gundry MD stirrable supplements link product reviews

Power Blues harnesses the power of blue polyphenols to help give your energy a boost while probiotics and prebiotics work together to help ease your digestion much more comfortable and easy… plus, Power Blues is absolutely delicious with a light and refreshing blueberry flavor.

Gundry MD Power Blues is perfect for anyone who wants help experiencing:

  • A boost of natural energy from specialized blue polyphenols*†
  • Easier, more comfortable, and more predictable digestion — thanks to powerful probiotics and prebiotics*†
  • A trimmer waistline due to powerful “slimming” nutrients*†
  • An easy, delicious way to help support heart, brain, and immune health*†

*Every individual is unique, so results can/may personally vary.

Suggested use is to mix one scoop of powder into 8 oz. of water or any beverage of your choice, and mix until dissolved.

Vital Reds by Gundry MD on World Health Supplements
Vital Reds†

WorldHealthSupplements product reviews Vital Reds Gundry MD stirrable Vitamin B supplementsWHS product reviews Vitamin B Vital Reds stirrable supplements linkWHS product reviews Vital Reds Gundry MDWHS product reviews Vital Reds linkWHS product reviews Vitamin B Vital Reds Gundry MD stirrable supplements product reviews

This revolutionary formula combines the power of 34 polyphenol-rich superfruits with natural fat-burning ingredients and probiotics. Vital Reds helps your body maintain higher energy levels, better digestion, and healthier-looking skin.*

  • Helps boost natural energy*
  • Promotes improved digestion*
  • Supports skin health & appearance*
  • “Quick-Dissolve” Mix with Natural Berry Flavor
  • Soy-Free / No Added Sugar / Lectin-Free

*Every individual is unique, so results can/may personally vary.

Suggested use is to simply Add 1 scoop of VITAL REDS with 8 fl. oz. of cold water or your favorite beverage and mix well.

Essential Orange by Gundry MD on World Health Supplements
Essential Orange†

WorldHealthSupplements product reviews Essential Orange Gundry MD stirrable Vitamin B supplementsWorld Health Supplements Vitamin B reviews Essential Orange stirrable supplementsWHS product reviews Essential Orange Gundry MDWorldHealthSupplements product reviews Essential OrangeWHS reviews Vitamin B Essential Orange Gundry MD stirrable supplements product product reviews

Gundry MD Essential Orange is a revolutionary health breakthrough that combines the power of orange phytonutrients with premium probiotics, prebiotics, and essential amino acids that support your production of collagen.

Together, these nutrient-packed superfoods help you enjoy more energy, comfortable digestion, stronger joints and muscles, and a lean, more active body.

Essential Orange is perfect for anyone who wants:

  • A burst of all-day energy*
  • Younger-looking skin with a healthy glow*
  • A slimmer waistline and easier weight management*
  • Freedom from joint aches and muscle stiffness*
  • A renewed sense of youthful vitality*
  • Smooth, relaxed digestion*

*Every individual is unique, so results can/may personally vary.

Suggested use is to simply mix one scoop with your favorite beverage in the morning, ideally right before your first meal. You’ll likely notice a steady surge of energy within 10-20 minutes. This is completely normal. It’s actually a sign that the powerful phytonutrients in this formula are already starting to boost your energy, healthy metabolism, and digestion.*

Primal Plants by Gundry MD on World Health Supplements
Primal Plants†

Vitamin B review World Health Supplements Primal Plants Gundry MD stirrable Vitamin B supplements productWHS product reviews, Primal Plants Vitamin B stirrable supplements linkWHS reviews Primal Plants Gundry MD productWHS product reviews, Primal Plants Vitamin B stirrableWHS product reviews Vitamin B Primal Plants Gundry MD stirrable supplements link product reviews

25-ingredient formula combines polyphenol-rich green superfoods with cutting-edge digestive & metabolic support blends. Primal Plants is formulated to help promote better digestion, increase energy levels, and help give you more youthful-looking, healthier skin…from the inside out!

  • Helps boost skin health and appearance*
  • Promotes improved digestion*
  • Supports heart health*
  • “Quick-Dissolve” mix with delicious, all-natural green apple flavor
  • Soy-Free / Sugar-Free / Artificial Sweetener-Free / Lectin-Free

*Every individual is unique, so results can/may personally vary.

Suggested use is to Add 1 scoop of PRIMAL PLANTS with 8 fl. oz. of cold water of your favorite beverage and mix well.

Time released Vitamin C, getting enough Vitamin C

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Vitamin C and are you having enough or too much?

If you are eating generally good balanced meals, then many people can be getting adequate sources of vitamin C through their diets.

Good Vitamin C Foods

Here is a list of some good healthy foods. This list just happens to include Gundry approved vegetables and fruit to try:

Cooked broccoli: 54 mg per ½ cup
Cooked bok choy: 23 mg per ½ cup
Raw red cabbage: 42 mg per cup
Cooked brussels sprouts: 38-52 mg per 4 sprouts
Cooked kale: 28 mg per ½ cup
Cooked or raw cauliflower: 27-29 mg per ½ cup
Cooked asparagus: 22 mg per 6 spears
Sweet potatoes: 22 mg per potato
Avocado: 52 mg per avocado
Strawberries (in season): 52 mg per ½ cup

Gundry MD does not produce Vitamin C supplements; however, if you are considering to supplement your diet with vitamin C, time released Vitamin C, consider these from amazon as a good source for you.

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Vitamin C best pricing

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Time release Vitamin C category

Things to additionally consider about vitamin C

• Vitamin C has better bioavailability when it is taken in smaller doses throughout the day. By releasing vitamin C slowly and taken as smaller doses a Time-release vitamin C is often the preferred choice without having to take multiple tablets throughout the day.

• Vitamin C is acidic in nature and can cause damage if consumed in chewable form or large quantities. Teeth can literally dissolve when faced with too many chews. One single chewable tablet will not hurt; however, if you require higher levels of Vitamin C you might want to consider an alternative tablet form. Naturally eating more fresh fruits and vegetables is always good practice and beneficial.

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†These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

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Disclaimer: Use only as directed. Consult your healthcare provider before using supplements or providing supplements to children under the age of 18. The information provided herein is intended for your general knowledge only and is not intended to be, nor is it, medical advice or a substitute for medical advice. If you have or suspect you have a specific medical condition or disease, please consult your healthcare provider.



2 responses to “Vitamin Dietary Supplements | Gundry MD”

  1. handy site to order these basic needed vitamins. good info and simplicity

  2. came across this site, easy to order the vitamin supplements. good facts about vitamin C